Richard Wolf at MEDICA 2019 in Düsseldorf

Richard Wolf GmbH will be presenting its product highlights for minimally invasive human medicine at MEDICA 2019 in Hall 10 at Stand A42. From November 18 to 21, Richard Wolf will be presenting its latest product innovations to an international audience under the slogan "Leading the spirit of excellence to a new level". Highlights include the revolutionary single-use ureterorenoscope and the "System green" ICG system which makes it possible to implement new and improved diagnostic methods and treatments in various medical fields.

System green – Guides Your Way

The new System green, in combination with the ENDOCAM Logic 4K platform, enables real-time fluorescence imaging of the highest quality. The system provides simultaneous NIR/ICG and white light endoscopy with crystal-clear image quality. The operator benefits from the excellent visualization in the area of the visceral perfusion as well as from the ability to detect lymph nodes with precision.

A clear image of the bile duct system anatomy also offers the operator a significant advantage and helps to ensure that the operation is carried out safely. The special camera head, like all previous applied parts, is compatible with the ENDOCAM Logic 4K platform and does not need to be operated via a stand-alone controller. Furthermore, the system can also be used for white light endoscopy.

RIWO D-URS – Feel the Difference

The new RIWO D-URS revolutionizes the diagnosis and treatment of stones in the ureter and kidneys. It significantly reduces time in surgery and its unique handling sets new standards in terms of ergonomics. In 2020, Richard Wolf will for the first time combine the advantages of the flexible ureterorenoscopy (URS) with those of the semi-rigid URS in a specially developed disposable instrument.

The RIWO D-URS fits into the smallest access sheath of 9.5 Fr. or can even be inserted without an access sheath. The dual channel solution, already well established on the market as part of our COBRA line, is again applied in the RIWO D-URS. An extra laser channel ensures optimum guidance of laser fibers up to 272 µm. A second working channel allows the operator to use an auxiliary instrument in the same stage of a procedure, contributing to an optimal irrigation performance.

The instrument features unrivalled torsional stiffness and allows hand movements to be directly transferred to the flexible tip, which can be deflected upwards and downwards (300° range). This handling, which is currently unique within the field of ureterorenoscopy, means that for the first time the endoscope can be used while sitting, and ensures exceptionally good maneuverability. Since the guide wire can be positioned with the instrument, removing the need for a cystoscope, the surgical workflow is significantly shortened. The intuitive, fatigue-free handling and a short learning curve underscore the benefits of the RIWO D-URS when carrying out treatment compared to standard ureterorenoscopy.

Über die Richard Wolf GmbH

Richard Wolf GmbH is a medium-sized medical technology company with over 1,500 employees, along with sixteen subsidiaries and 130 foreign agencies worldwide. The company develops, produces, and distributes numerous products for endoscopy and extracorporeal shock wave treatment in human medicine. Integrated operating theater systems round out the product range.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Richard Wolf GmbH
Pforzheimer Straße 32
75438 Knittlingen
Telefon: +49 (7043) 35-0
Telefax: +49 (7043) 35-300

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