PICMG COM-HPC committee reaches important milestone

congatec announces that the PICMG COM-HPC technical subcommittee approved the pinout of this new high-performance Computer-on-Module specification. The new COM-HPC standard is now entering the home stretch for the ratification of version 1.0 of the specification, which is scheduled for the first half of 2020. Computer-on-Module manufacturers and carrier board designers who are active in the COM-HPC workgroup can now embark on first edge computing designs based on this pre-approved data, with the expectation to bring them to market in time with the launch of new high-end embedded processor generations from Intel® and AMD next year.

PICMG president Jessica Isquith is delighted with the progress of the COM-HPC specification: “Within PICMG we are currently working on the next generation Computer-On-Module standard which is of utter importance for the embedded and edge computing world. Next to the physical footprint, the pinout is the most essential milestone. It could only be pre-approved so quickly because we managed to get all key market players, including semiconductor manufacturers such as Intel, around one table in the COM-HPC technical subcommittee, thereby also making sure that the standard will be the best fit possible for future processor generations.”

Committee chairman Christian Eder is confident that the specification can be officially ratified before the next high-end embedded processors hit the market: “A new Computer-on-Module specification is a complex task that involves many stakeholders. However, we officially started our work back in October 2018 and are on schedule to release new COM-HPC modules, carrier boards and solution platforms in time with the next high-end embedded processor generations. They will extend the existing PICMG COM Express module standards with new solutions that move in the direction of headless edge server and more multifunctional edge client solutions.”

With the adoption of the pinout, all committee members now have a solid working basis from which to offer interfaces supporting up to 100 GbE and PCIe Gen 4.0 and Gen 5.0 as well as up to eight DIMM sockets and high-speed processors with more than 200 watts on standardized COM-HPC modules, and to work on standard-compliant carrier board designs.

Members of the PICMG COM-HPC committee include the University of Bielefeld and Adlink, Advantech, Amphenol, AMI, congatec, Elma Electronic, Emerson Machine Automation Solutions, ept, Fastwel, GE Automation, HEITEC, Intel, Kontron, MEN, MSC Technologies, N.A.T., Samtec, SECO, TE Connectivity, Trenz Electronic and VersaLogic. Adlink, congatec and Kontron are also committee sponsors. Christian Eder, Marketing Director of congatec, is the chairman of the COM-HPC committee. He was previously involved as draft editor in the development of the current COM Express standard. Stefan Milnor from Kontron and Dylan Lang from Samtec support Christian Eder in their respective functions as editor and secretary of the PICMG COM-HPC committee.

For more information on the new COM-HPC Computer-on-Module standard and its pinout please visit: https://www.congatec.com/COM-HPC

Über die congatec GmbH

congatec is a rapidly growing technology company focusing on embedded computing products. The high-performance computer modules are used in a wide range of applications and devices in industrial automation, medical technology, transportation, telecommunications and many other verticals. congatec is the global market leader in the computer-on-modules segment with an excellent customer base from start-ups to international blue chip companies. Founded in 2004 and headquartered in Deggendorf, Germany, the company reached sales of 133 million US dollars in 2018. More information is available on our website at www.congatec.com or via LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

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congatec GmbH
Auwiesenstrasse 5
94469 Deggendorf
Telefon: +49 (991) 2700-0
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Christian Eder
Director Marketing
Telefon: +49 (991) 2700-146
E-Mail: christian.eder@congatec.com
Michael Hennen
Agentur SAMS Network
Telefon: +49 (2405) 4526720
E-Mail: info@sams.network.com
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