Dewert reveals new lifting columns and single drives for medical applications

Dewert presents several new products at Arab Health from 27 to 30 January 2020: the new DC20 and DC21 heavy-duty lifting columns for nursing beds as well as patient chairs and tables are in the spotlight. In addition, the new generation of well-established single drives is celebrating its premiere with the MEGAMAT 20. As a system provider, we are continuing to drive forward the digitisation in the service sector with precisely recorded data.

“In the Arabian market, the demand for sophisticated solutions in the medical sector is growing beyond the classic application areas. With our expanded product portfolio, we are steadily increasing the range of applications for our drive technology to meet the exacting demands in all areas”, says Nikolaus Netzel, Product Manager Medical at Dewert. An example of this are the new DC20 and DC21 lifting columns (DC stands for Dewert Column). The powerful and very quiet-running components are suitable for more than just intensive-care and bariatric beds in clinics and nursing facilities. Their potential area of use includes the entire medical sector – from dental practices and dialysis facilities to cosmetic applications. The heavy-duty columns are designed for high off-centre loads. They provide optimum stability even where there is a strong imbalance, for example on operating tables.

Dewert will be presenting the new generation of its MEGAMAT single drives at Arab Health. The powerful MEGAMAT 20 now uses an optical sensor for position detection instead of a limit switch. Sensor-supported positioning provides the exact position of the drive at any time. Equipped with a worm wheel drive, the MEGAMAT 20 is extremely robust and very quiet running. Moreover, Dewert implements a bus-based controller for individual programming of different parameters in the drive, such as stroke and speed. “Users benefit from a significantly smaller variety of variants, which in turn makes the supply chain leaner and reduces storage costs”, emphasises Netzel.

Expansion of digitisation into the service sector
Dewert is already working with customers on the agile introduction of digital systems that have specific practical added value. Reading service data is one such added value: Instead of recording only raw numerical data, the system delivers a clear picture of the electromechanics and makes recommendations for action. They help, for example, to enable predictive maintenance.

“The provision of this digital data enables bed manufacturers a higher level of availability, because any drive failures can be diagnosed in advance and prevented”, explains Netzel. At the same time, it enables improved planning, faster service times and creates a leaner supply chain. Components to be replaced can be manufactured in advance and can therefore be more quickly made available and delivered.

DewertOkin will be at the Arab Health 2020 at booth SA.H39.

Über die DewertOkin GmbH

DewertOkin GmbH is an international manufacturer of drive and system technology with headquarters in Kirchlengern, Germany. The company designs, manufactures and sells single and double drives, lifting columns, operating elements and control units. DewertOkin’s products are used for bedding, seating, medical, office and agricultural applications. Their products are certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 and the CB test report. The company is part of the Phoenix Mecano Group based in Switzerland.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

DewertOkin GmbH
Weststraße 1
32278 Kirchlengern
Telefon: +49 (5223) 979-0
Telefax: +49 (5223) 751-82

Lukas Schenk
Telefon: +49 (251) 625561-131
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