AIM3D sets new impulses by starting series production of its unique CEM 3D-printer.

After just two years of development and thanks to the productive and close cooperation with beta-customers, AIM3D GmbH can starts the series production of its unique 3D printer which is able to process injection moulding granulate.

Just in time for the Rapid.Tech + FabCon3.D 2019 in Erfurt, the exhibition where exactly two years ago the prototype was presented the first time, AIM3D from Rostock, Germany, now can announce the start of the series production. Since the beginning of the year, a total of six machines have been delivered or are in the process of construction. Further orders have already been received.

The ExAM 255 is suitable for the most diverse customers from all sectors. From handicraft businesses up to a major automotive supplier – this cost effective printing solution makes it possible to create individual parts made out of metal, glass fibre reinforced plastic, plastics and ceramics.

Innovative printing process allows the use of injection moulding granulates

The special feature of the ExAM 255 is not only the processing of injection moulding granulate, which is economic and can be bought worldwide. The way of proceeding the printing process is also unique. Within this 3D printing process, shaping and material connection are separated.

First, the thermoplastic supporting material is melted together so the printed part gets it shape. As a result, the green part now can be reworked in an intermediate step. This procedure leads to a significant reduction of tool and machine costs. Only then, in a two-stage process, the green part is first freed (debinded) from the thermoplastic supporting material and following sintered in a sintering oven. The final product is a solid and dense metal part.

Get a look behind the scene thanks to a pre-arranged appointment

The visitors of the exhibition Rapid.Tech + FabCon 3.D have the opportunity to convince themselves at booth 2-205 of the intuitive handling and the print quality of the ExAM 255. Clemens Lieberwirth (developer of the CEM Process and procurator of AIM3D GmbH), Robert Radon (Head of mechatronics development) and René Zielke (Head of asset development) are personally available to the visitors.

Prospective customers have the chance to experience the ExAM 255 up close and attach questions by making a pre-arranged appointment. The experts from AIM3D are looking forward to a high-quality dialogue.

Further information about the ExAM 255 und the start of the series production can be found online at

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Industriestraße 12
18069 Rostock
Telefon: +49 (381) 3676609-0
Telefax: +49 (381) 3676609-9

Sabine Machur
Telefon: +4938136766090
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