Improving the scratch resistance of PMMA with ROWALID SR Masterbatches

The many positive properties of acrylic glass (polymethyl methacrylate, abbreviated PMMA) have made it very popular and it is used in various industries. ROWA Masterbatch has improved the scratch resistance further enriching this valuable plastic.

Acrylic glass is frequently used in outdoor applications such as windows and facades and to create advertising spaces and company signs. Indoors it is used for room dividers, acrylic glass furniture and various decorative products. But the demand for this valuable plastic from the automotive industry, aviation technology and jewelry production is also increasing – and for good reasons:

Compared to silicate glass, acrylic glass weighs half as much and is highly shatter resistant and stable. It is a transparent and UV-stable plastic, thermally insulating and frost and heat-resistant. When used outdoors PMMA can also withstand the effects of weathering for many years without yellowing or becoming brittle.

These sustainable properties will ensure that the plastic will be used in ever increasing applications and is regarded as a trend-setting material – but unfortunately it has one disadvantage compared to glass; its low scratch resistance. However, this scratch resistance can now be significantly increased by a polymer-specific masterbatch.

Various test methods have been developed to assess the scratch resistance of molded plastic parts depending on the application and type of surface. ROWA Masterbatch chose the cross-hatch test, in which a test probe is guided over the surface at defined grid spacing whilst a controlled force is applied. The width, depth and visibility of the scratches produced by the probe are then used to assess scratch resistance. A microscopic and visual evaluation showed that the previously high scratch resistance of PMMA (PMMA has the highest scratch resistance of all thermoplastics) can be significantly improved using ROWALID SR Masterbatches. Customers can use this new anti-scratch masterbatch as an additive to their standard products.

Über die ROWA GROUP Holding GmbH

The ROWA GmbH was established in 1958 and is a partner in the ROWA GROUP of companies. The brand ROWA stands for technical competence, modern product design and customer oriented service the world over. Tailored customer solutions are part of the ROWA tradition and are a matter of course! The development of new products, the search for alternative raw materials and the constant and sustained optimization of our processes, coupled with modern technology, motivated employees and economical environment protection enjoy the highest priority in our company. In 2010 the ROWA GmbH has been renamed into the ROWA GROUP Holding GmbH and the departments Lack and Masterbatch were newly formed as ROWA Lack GmbH and ROWA Masterbatch GmbH specialist division: Color and additive masterbatches.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Siemensstraße 1-9
25421 Pinneberg
Telefon: +49 (4101) 70606
Telefax: +49 (4101) 706203

Dr. Natalia Olichwer
ROWA Masterbatch
Telefon: +49 (4101) 706-01
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