One for all: now with EU Stage 5 emissions

Compact design suited to construction sites, easy to transport, powerful and versatile: These are just some of the advantages that the new M125 portable compressor from Kaeser Kompressoren has to offer.

In addition to its compact design and low tow weight, the key advantage of the M125 is its new variable pressure feature: with its infinite, dynamic pressure and delivery control, any given machine can be operated between 7 and 14 bar at any time. This eliminates the need to choose a fixed pressure stage by automatically adjusting the maximum air delivery to the selected pressure setting. When set to a pressure of 7 bar and a flow rate of 11.5 m³/min, this universal compressor is ideal for breaker applications, and when set to 12 bar with a flow rate of 10.7 m³/min it then becomes the perfect machine for cable-blowing applications. A flow rate of nearly 10 m³/min is available at a maximum pressure of 14 bar.

Featuring a diesel particulate filter as standard and a low emission Deutz engine, M125 compressors are a great choice for use in low emission zones. This filter already meets the EU Stage V emissions standards, which will come into force as of January 2020. The energy-saving fan helps achieve an additional six percent in diesel savings.

The integrated Sigma Control mobil machine controller enables easy and intuitive compressor operation via arrow keys; it also provides information regarding operating data and indicates when up-coming maintenance is due.

In addition, the M125 can be equipped with a 13 kVA generator. Here, once again, the Sigma Control mobil truly comes into its own with its dynamic delivery control, which adjusts maximum compressed air delivery according to how much electrical power is required.

Installed at an angle, the integrated compressed air aftercooler not only optimises compressed air treatment, but also allows accumulated condensate to drain away  easily to ensure reliable frost prevention during the winter months. The product range also includes a stationary version as well as the road-going models.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Carl-Kaeser-Str. 26
96450 Coburg
Telefon: +49 (9561) 640-0
Telefax: +49 (9561) 640-130

Daniela Köhler
Telefon: +49 (9561) 640-452
Fax: +49 (9561) 640-129
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