Mobile e-power up to 160 kW

Exhaust-free and quiet compressed air production – wherever you need it. That’s what you get with the Mobilair electric-drive portable compressors by Kaeser Kompressoren. Now available in more models than before.

The M250E with a drive output of 132kW and the 160kW M255E: these are the new models in the Mobilair e-power compressor series. The drive units of these portable compressors consist of a highly energy-efficient IE4 electric motor and a Sigma Profil airend that has consistently proven itself in industrial rotary screw compressors. Depending on the combination and pressure range, the M250E delivers flow rates of up to 25 m³/min at 8.6 bar, while the more powerful M255E puts out up to 24.7 m³/min at 10 bar or 19.9 m³/min at 12 bar.

How do these units differ from the many industrial rotary screw compressors installed in closed compressor rooms? Put simply, it is in the defining features of a MOBILAIR compressor made by Kaeser: First, the entire system is designed for outdoor installations. Wind and weather are not a problem – either for the body or the controls. It is also built to be moved quickly and easily from place to place. The galvanised skids with forklift slots, fitted as standard, and the crane lifting eye are a big help when loading and unloading. The narrow footprint is optimised for transport.  Two M255E units can be placed side by side on a lorry, and the rigging eyelets ensure that they arrive safely.

Applications are also versatile, extending from temporary use in industry to handle peak production periods to permanent outdoor installations, for uses ranging from sandblasting to the delivery of air for mining operations. The closed floor pan, supplied as standard, is there for all eventualities to protect the environment against spills. All controls, maintenance points and connection points for power and compressed air are conveniently accessible. The aftercooler with centrifugal separator, supplied as standard, extracts moisture from the air. And the optional filter combination for oil-free compressed air is installed within the compact body of the unit. A connection to a master controller is also provided – making the M250E or M255E a team player.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Carl-Kaeser-Str. 26
96450 Coburg
Telefon: +49 (9561) 640-0
Telefax: +49 (9561) 640-130

Daniela Köhler
Telefon: +49 (9561) 640-452
Fax: +49 (9561) 640-129
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