Integrated measuring system guarantees exact travel distances

For over ten years, SCHNEEBERGER has been developing compact, integrated distance measuring systems for its MONORAIL guideways and today, sets the standard in terms of accuracy, design, installation, adjustment, operation and maintenance. A variety of interfaces to all major control systems, depending on the AMS version, are available. For example, the new AMSABS absolute measuring system can communicate directly with the Siemens DRIVE CLiQ®[1] communication protocol and all Mitsubishi controllers.

Quiet, low-vibration, and low-friction linear travel are essential in sophisticated mechanical engineering systems. This applies to automated applications in metrology, as well as in the semiconductor, biotech, medical devices, machine tools, laser processing, and many other branches of industry. SCHNEEBERGER provides high-quality MONORAIL guideways to serve as the perfect basis for such applications.

Linear technology and mineral casting – a promising duo

SCHNEEBERGER is well-known for its unique range of highly precise and reliable linear technology products, which runs the gamut from standard components to complete systems. These products also contain substructures consisting of mineral casting components which are produced in-house, a process which has been going on for approximately five years now. The material, which has substantial damping characteristics, provides the most effective properties for highly dynamic linear technology.

Mineral casting is the ideal material for use in any supporting structures and foundation structures where dynamic and highly precise movements are required. It exhibits clear technological, economical and ecological benefits in comparison to steel, grey cast iron and cast iron. It isn’t just the attention of machine tool producers which is piqued due to the material’s excellent vibration damping properties, resistance to chemicals and thermal stability; medical engineering, solar technology, electronics, and packaging companies as well as many other branches are also convinced by the advantages of mineral casting.

New carriage types expand the range of applications

The MONORAIL BM profile rail guideways have been an important component of the SCHNEEBERGER product range for many years. Now the product range has nearly doubled by the addition of new BM carriage types, featuring low and short versions. This opens up numerous new areas of application.

The robust and economic MONORAIL BM ball guideways from SCHNEEBERGER are reliable components for the entire range of industrial applications. They have a proven track record, for instance, in medical devices, semiconductor as well as in other sectors like measuring technology, automation, robotics, optics, and of course, in the machine tool industry.

New profiled guideways shine with the four S’s

SCHNEEBERGER’s high precision MONORAIL MR roller guideways are used worldwide for a broad range of mechanical engineering applications: from simple handling tasks to difficult machining processes. The newest generation, the MR 4S series, introduces four major improvements relating to the distribution of lubricants, dirt resistance, shock resistance, and serviceability.

When it is a matter of achieving the highest accuracy in a small space, the MONORAILs are the best choice. They ensure that linear movements are always performed at high speed and with great accuracy. The preferred areas of application include machine tool, medical devices as well as in the semiconductor industries and others. Eight rail widths and four carriage sizes are available. The user has a choice of two accuracy and preload classes. 

AM Ballscrews increase the long-term productivity of highly dynamically-operated machine tools

In cooperation with the SCHNEEBERGERGroup, A. MANNESMANN has been selling maximum-precision ballscrews since the beginning of 2018. Many discriminating machine tool users throughout the world benefit from the high level of performance, productivity and long-term precision featured by AM ballscrews. Their advantageous structural design and 100% quality control in production account for their success.

AM ballscrews reach maximum speeds of 150 m/min, maximum accelerations of 20 m/s2 and rotational speeds (n x d) of 200,000 and more. These performance data, which are at the worldwide technological forefront, make it possible to operate extremely efficient, long-lasting machine tools. The performance limits of AM ballscrews have been steadily expanded through continuous development over many years.

[1] DRIVE-CLiQ is a protected trade mark of Siemens


SCHNEEBERGER® operates worldwide as an established OEM supplier in a wide variety of sectors – from the solar, semiconductor and electrical industries to the machine tool and medical devices sectors, and beyond. The product and manufacturing program includes linear bearings and profiled linear guideways as well as measuring systems, gear racks, slides, positioning systems and mineral casting. A.MANNESMANN, headquartered in Remscheid, Germany, has been part of the SCHNEEBERGER Group since October 2017.werotec ag, headquartered in Reigoldswil, Switzerland, has also been part of the SCHNEEBERGER Group since early 2018. werotec ag’s core competence lies in precision grinding technology and in the complete production of anti-friction bearing rollers.

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