Free special tools – If Team Cutting Tools can’t deliver on its promise

When it comes to hole production there is no doubt that combination tools featuring drilling, chamfering and counterboring offer distinct productivity benefits by delivering shorter in-cut times and elimination of tool changes, component quality is also improved in terms of concentricity. However, the perception is that these semi-standard stools are both expensive and on long lead-times, making them unsuitable for the low to medium volume environments found in sub-contract businesses. CERATIZIT UK & Ireland Ltd has therefore launched a program of semi-standard indexable insert drilling tools. Based around its KUB, KUB Quatron, and KUB Trigon drilling systems customers can now specify combination tools with a guaranteed three week delivery, and all at standard drill price levels.

Confident that it can deliver on its promise the company is willing to wager with customers that if it doesn’t deliver within 15 working days (+1 day for delivery) from receipt of confirmed order, it will supply the tools free of charge. The entire design and manufacturing process has been streamlined – an initial quotation to suit the customers application is created within four days, once that quotation is accepted by the customer and an official order has been placed, the tool is immediately put into production to meet the delivery deadline. Tools are available in many configurations and diameter ranges and, they can be supplied on a diverse range of shanks, including ABS and HSK systems. Receiving a quotation for a semi-standard tool couldn’t be easier, simply let your local Team Cutting Tools Technical Sales Engineer have a drawing or details of the feature that requires machining and they will create a proposal to give you a tooling solution that can be cutting metal within three working weeks at a price reflecting standard drill prices.    

“Everyone machining components is looking to save cycle time where possible, combination tools are one of the most effective ways of achieving this, but the associated cost and lead-times have been a significant barrier to uptake for small to medium sized businesses,” says Tony Pennington, Managing Director, Ceratizit UK & Ireland. “This program of tools, which has come about since the creation of Team Cutting Tools by the Ceratizit Group, eliminates both those issues and will help our customers stay one step ahead of their competition. The guarantee of delivery within three working weeks or a free tool is a win-win situation and a wager where the customer cannot lose.”

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

CERATIZIT Deutschland GmbH
Zeppelinstraße 12
87437 Kempten
Telefon: +49 (831) 57010-0
Telefax: +49 (831) 57010-3559

Norbert Stattler
PR Manager Cutting Tools
Telefon: +49 (831) 57010-3405
Fax: +49 (831) 57010-3678
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