Fabrizio Palmas receives “Best Full Paper Award” at 11th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications

On 4th September 2019 straightlabs GmbH & Co. KG’s creative and technical director Fabrizio Palmas opened the scientific paper session at the 11th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications (VS-Games 2019 – IEEE) by presenting the results of his research in the field of virtual reality (VR) and gamification. In the course of his doctoral studies at the Technical University Munich (TUM) in the field of informatics, Fabrizio Palmas has been doing a lot of research on gamification and extended Reality (xR).

The presented paper “Comparison of a Gamified and Non-Gamified Virtual Reality Training Assembly Task”, that Fabrizio Palmas wrote in collaboration with David Labode, David A. Plecher and Gudrun Klinker, obtained the VS-Games 2019 “Best Full Paper Award”. They were able to prove that “the use of gamification can enhance the knowledge transfer in virtual reality training applications”, making an important progress for the future of VR and gamification research.

At straightlabs Fabrizio Palmas was then able to use this research and further develop it to create a “VR Speech Trainer”. Another accompanying scientific research has been done on this topic and will soon be presented at the ISMAR 2019 in Beijing, China.

VS-Games 2019 was the 11th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications (IEEE Computer Society). It covers a broad variety of facets of virtual worlds and games that target serious application domains from museum exhibitions over deep sea robotics interfaces to training and rehabilitation. The conference was recently ranked at top 20 venues in Google Scholar ranking relevant to games and has a history of more than 10 years.

Über die straightlabs GmbH & Co. KG

Die straightlabs GmbH & Co. KG entwickelt interaktive, innovative und skalierbare Lösungen im Bereich Corporate Learning. Von der strategischen Beratung über gamifizierte Lernmethoden bis hin zum After Sales Support, bieten wir Ihnen ein innovatives Educational Technology Lab. Meistern Sie die digitale Transformation im Corporate Learning, vertrauen Sie auf den Benchmark, vertrauen Sie straightlabs.

© 2019 straightlabs.com | Prof. Dr. Peter Niermann
+49 89 642 56 831 | info@str8labs.com

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

straightlabs GmbH & Co. KG
Tölzer Str. 12
82031 Grünwald
Telefon: +49 (89) 6425-6830

Fabrizio Palmas
Telefon: +49 (89) 6425-6831
E-Mail: f.palmas@str8labs.com
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