Compact but powerful

Premium quality for trades and workshops: the new i.Comp from Kaeser Kompressoren tirelessly delivers oil-free compressed air wherever it’s needed.

Durable, powerful, compact, easy to handle, maintenance-friendly, efficient and much more – the new i.Comp is a mobile, infinitely-adjustable reciprocating compressor manufactured to the highest industrial quality standards for which Kaeser is world-renowned. It’s 100% Made in Germany and can be taken anywhere.

This versatile trades and workshop compressor is suitable for continuous operation and, thanks to its variable-speed motor, delivers outstanding efficiency – with no need for an air receiver. Even at cable lengths of 150 metres, it operates flawlessly and delivers constant pressure up to 11 bar, with absolute operational reliability. Furthermore, the tried-and-tested Kaeser controller provides pressure preset and infinitely-variable speed capability.

The i.Comp delivers oil-free compressed air, which means that there’s no oil-laden condensate that requires disposal. This not only safeguards the environment, but also eliminates the need for oil changes and checks, which, in turn, ensures low service costs and extends compressor service life.

Thanks to its ergonomic design, the durable and dependable i.Comp is easy and convenient to carry and transport. In addition, the special rotation-sintered polyethylene enclosure helps keep sounds levels to a minimum and provides exceptional protection for the compressor’s internal components.

No matter whether in the woodworking trades, an automotive workshop or any other specialised trade industry, the i.Comp is ready for use anytime and anywhere compressed air is needed.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Carl-Kaeser-Str. 26
96450 Coburg
Telefon: +49 (9561) 640-0
Telefax: +49 (9561) 640-130

Daniela Köhler
Telefon: +49 (9561) 640-452
Fax: +49 (9561) 640-129
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