2nd edition of M-Enabling Forum Europe

The second edition of M-Enabling Forum Europe 2019 will take place on September 19, 2019 in the Congress Center of Messe Düsseldorf parallel to REHACARE. The conference and showcase is dedicated to promoting digital accessibility and assistive technology for people with disabilities and senior citizens.

The day will kick off with EU commission speaker Inmaculada Placencia Porrero giving an update on the European Accessibility Act. What is the status of digital accessibility in the European regions? How far has the legislation pushed the transformation and what challenges and problems are still to overcome? Experts from different countries will report and draw a picture of the experience on the ground.

The following plenary session will offer an interesting and exciting exchange about the latest advances in technology and their impact on user experience. Chaired by Christoph J. Müller, Board President BEH Association of Manufacturers and Retailers of Assistive Technology in Germany, the debate will give representatives from the European Disability Forum, Aktion Mensch, the European Federation of Hard of Hearing People and the company Siteimprove room to present their views.

In the afternoon, the conference attendees will be asked to actively participate in three parallel sessions: Solutions for Senior Living in the City and at Home, Leveraging Technologies for Accessible Workplaces and Inclusive Digital Environments in Education.
The attendees will be divided into several working groups and asked to identify barriers, suggest solutions and contribute their personal experience.
The session results will be summarized in the closing plenary, followed by a Q/A session and some thoughts on where we are headed with accessibility in Europe.

The M-Enabling Forum Europe is organized by E.J. Krause & Associates, Inc and G3ict, the Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technology. Interested attendees can register via the website www.m-enabling-europe.com or contact E.J. Krause & Associates office in Germany.

About G3ict: G3ict – the Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies – is an advocacy initiative launched in December 2006 in cooperation with the Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at UNDESA. Its mission is to facilitate and support the implementation of the dispositions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) promoting digital accessibility and Assistive Technologies. Participating organizations include industry, academia, the public sector and organizations representing persons with disabilities. Through its division IAAP, the International Association of Accessibility Professionals, G3ict offers professional development, training and certification to more than 2000 members in 45 countries. For more information, please visit www.g3ict.org


Über E.J. Krause & Associates, Inc.

Founded in 1984, E.J. Krause & Associates, Inc. (EJK) is one of the largest privately held exhibition management companies in the world. The HQ is based in Washington D.C. , European office in Düsseldorf.

EJK is organizing about 50 exhibitions and conferences worldwide per year in over 15 different industries.

With the global network in Mexico, Japan, China, Russia, Spain and Germany EJK can support exhibitors and sponsors individually and assist them in all aspects for a successful participation.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

E.J. Krause & Associates, Inc.
Grafenberger Allee 277-287
40237 Düsseldorf
Telefon: +49 (211) 610-730
Telefax: +49 (211) 610-7337

Regine Gessner
Managing Director
Telefon: +49 (211) 610730
Fax: +49 (211) 6107337
E-Mail: gessner@ejkgermany.de
Gudrun Tegge
Sales & Marketing Manager
Telefon: +49 (211) 610730
E-Mail: tegge@ejkgermany.de
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