Increasing energy efficiency and meeting DIN EN ISO 50001 requirements – with INSYS icom and GILDEMEISTER energy efficiency

INSYS icom, a leading supplier of technology for industrial data communication and networking, and GILDEMEISTER energy efficiency – provider of solutions for monitoring energy consumption and processes in the corporate environment – are pooling their know-how. Their joint solution enables companies to implement an energy management system (EnMS) which conforms to DIN EN ISO 50001, in order to continuously improve internal processes and systems, helping achieve their energy targets. The cooperation then contributes significantly towards increased energy efficiency and improved climate protection management.

Rising energy prices, intense competition and statutory requirements from mandatory energy audits under the new Energy Services Act (EDL-G) as well as tax refunds under § 10 of the Electricity Tax Act (“Peak balancing”, Efficiency System Directive) make energy management obligatory for many companies. The customers of both companies accordingly benefit from the partnership between INSYS icom and GILDEMEISTER energy efficiency.

If the VPN routers and IoT gateways of the latest INSYS icom series are already in use in buildings or technical facilities, energy management can be easily implemented. This is because the GILDEMEISTER energy efficiency software can be loaded directly onto the existing hardware and can send the data collected by the router directly to its energy management portal. There the energy efficiency can be analysed and evaluated. “This saves our customers an additional router and consequently the management and maintenance of a further hardware component. Thanks to this partnership with GILDEMEISTER, they can now improve the energy efficiency of their machines, systems and buildings as a supplement to existing applications. In this way they expand their existing data technology. They are gradually taking the path of digitalisation in line with our principle of step-by-step IoT,” states Wolfgang Wanner, Senior Manager for Sales & Business Development at INSYS icom.

This also applies in a different way: with the devices from INSYS icom, companies that wish to implement further applications for their energy management (now or in the future) in addition to the software from GILDEMEISTER energy efficiency are already well positioned today. For example, in addition to energy management, remote maintenance of machines and systems can be set up as well as – in the next step – status monitoring with an alarm function in the event of a fault. “This cooperation has the great advantage that we can offer our customers one-stop shopping for a complete solution which goes beyond energy management, and thus enables them to maintain a high degree of flexibility and investment security. Remote access opens up completely new options for the all-round servicing of machines and systems – and it saves time and money,” says Sebastian Braun, Managing Director of GILDEMEISTER energy efficiency.

Further information

INSYS icom and GILDEMEISTER energy efficiency will be presenting their solution at joint webinars planned for September. Further information is available at

INSYS icom

Secure communication and networking of data in industrial applications – this is what INSYS icom offers. With its intelligent and powerful hardware and software solutions (Managed Devices and Services), machines, systems and other devices can be accessed remotely and their operating data transmitted. INSYS icom works every day with new passion to advance the process of digitalisation and the realisation of the industrial IoT. As a pioneer in this sector and a hotbed of innovation for industrial data communication and networking technology, INSYS icom has always had the ambition to be a driving force behind the digitalisation process. As a leading producer in the energy and water supply segment, INSYS icom is also well established as a premium partner in the fields of mechanical engineering and IT.

GILDEMEISTER energy efficiency

Stuttgart-based GILDEMEISTER energy efficiency GmbH is a provider of solutions for monitoring energy consumption and processes in the corporate environment. The GILDEMEISTER energy efficiency team has comprehensive know-how and experience in data acquisition as well as information, communication and security technology in the business field. In addition, the company focuses on holistic and individual solutions in the areas of energy management, optimisation of the energy efficiency of buildings, technical facilities and processes as well as reducing energy costs.

Über INSYS icom

En INSYS icom, la comunicación segura y la interconexión de datos en aplicaciones industriales, es el pan de cada día. Con sus soluciones amplias de hardware e inteligentes software (Managed Devices and Services), puede accederse de forma remota a las máquinas, equipos y dispositivos y transmitir sus datos. INSYS icom trabaja cada día con gran pasión para impulsar la digitalización y hacer del IoT industrial una realidad. Como pionero del sector y centro de innovación para la comunicación de datos industrial y la interconexión, INSYS icom se ha propuesto ser siempre una fuerza impulsora de la digitalización. Como fabricante líder en el sector del abastecimiento de agua y energía, INSYS icom se posiciona también como socio de primera categoría en los sectores de la ingeniería mecánica y de la informática.

Dal 1992 INSYS icom è partner tecnologico leader per la comunicazione professionale dei dati, nonché per soluzioni di comunicazione M2M e IoT. La gamma di prodotti e servizi consente nuovi servizi digitali o la migrazione della tecnica esistente all’insegna dell’industria 4.0. I clienti finali e i partner possono godere dei vantaggi offerti da una rapida applicazione, dai costi ottimizzati, nonché dai rischi ridotti e quindi possono generare modelli di business completamente nuovi. Le tecnologie di INSYS icom sono sicure, affidabili, facilmente fruibili e con la qualità di una produzione “Made in Germany”. INSYS icom offre la trasmissione di dati professionale tramite LAN, DSL e telefonia mobile. I prodotti soddisfano in particolar modo gli alti requisiti di infrastrutture critiche. Si possono realizzare applicazioni classiche come la manutenzione da remoto, le operazioni da remoto o il monitoraggio dello stato, e tramite la messa in rete dei punti di dati (ad es. dati dei sensori) si possono sviluppare soluzioni IoT personalizzate.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

INSYS icom
Hermann-Köhl-Str. 22
93049 Regensburg
Telefon: +49 (941) 58692-444
Telefax: +49 (941) 58692-45

Katrin Geier
Redakteurin Marketing
Telefon: +49 (941) 58692-0
Fax: +49 (941) 58692-45
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