Modlink MSDD Panel Interface: More than 100,000 combination options

Murrelektronik’s Modlink MSDD front panel interfaces provide convenient access to the control when diagnostic or service work is needed. Great advantage: They allow you to keep the control cabinet closed, so the components inside continue to operate within the specified protection class. This makes sure that the safety regulations for the operation of electrical systems are always complied with.

Modlink MSDD is a modular system based on standard frames (single and double frames) with many different inserts to plug in. This variety allows more than 100,000 combination options. Because the mounting dimensions are the same no matter which combination is used, a design engineer’s job is made easier and export-oriented companies are in a position to quickly react to country-specific requirements. The housing does not have to be reworked. They just install the country-specific insert. Modlink MSDD is a tried and tested solution, well-engineered to the smallest detail.

The single frame inserts that provide space for both an outlet and a data connector make for a compact solution. A key feature is the shielding plate to increase EMC protection and directly prevent interference that reduces the negative electromagnetic influence on the data quality, an essential factor in secure communications.

Practical Tip:

Murrelektronik has many combinations of frames and inserts that have been set up as sets. They can be ordered with one part number saving a lot of administrative work and time.

Bastian Baier, Senior Product Manager Interface

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Murrelektronik GmbH
Grabenstraße 29
71570 Oppenweiler
Telefon: +49 (7191) 47-0
Telefax: +49 (7191) 47-491000

MacKenzie Regorsek
Corporate Marketing
Telefon: +49 (7191) 47-4318
Fax: +49 (151) 438544-70
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