COMM-TEC on the Road 2019


2 COMM-TEC vans – 9 countries – 22 weeks – more than 400 planned company visits – 
solutions, applications and demonstrations for dealers and end users!

Following the motto "Companies don´t do business, people do", COMM-TEC GmbH will once again present its extensive product range to its dealer network in an appealing and solution-oriented manner in 2019.

Each year now since 2011, COMM-TEC has had a van on the road as a mobile exhibition booth on tour from April to October. Equipped with the latest product highlights, the van tour offers the opportunity to obtain exclusive on-site information on current solutions and technologies from the AV world. Most of the products are integrated as live applications and fully functional, so that interested visitors can inspect and test the equipment live at their premises. The tour will be accompanied by COMM-TEC product specialists and local sales staff, making their presentations in local languages. Entertaining and competent, they will present the devices and their specifications according to your wished and ideas.

Our roadshow highlights: 
The ClickShare CSE-200+ and CS-100 Huddle from Barco, the RS series from Newline, digiTHIN from digiLED, the new PTZ camera from Lumens, PTZ solutions from Vaddio, AOPEN digital signage PCs, new players from the LS4 and HD4 series from BrightSign, professional displays from Bluefin with BrightSign built-in players. Room booking systems from Joan, EVOKO and ONELAN, live streaming solutions from Epiphan, thin e-posters from ZYGNAGE, digital signage display solutions from SWEDX and VESTEL, digital signal management from Gefen, signal transmission from WyreStorm, signal distribution with COMM-TEC DaisyNET II, control solutions from RTI, ceiling microphones from Sennheiser, indoor and outdoor speakers from Amina, Origin Acoustics and QSC, QSC Premium Business Music and QSC Q-SYS, racks and mounts from Middle Atlantic and connection solutions from Bachmann.

We would be delighted to welcome you on board for our roadshow. 
Let us inspire you and experience our product highlights live!

AV / IT dealers, system integrators and planners can make an appointment directly.

CW 19 5/6 – 5/10/2019 Postcode area 7 Germany
CW 20 + 21 5/13 – 5/24/2019 Czech Republic and Slovakia
CW 22 + 23 5/27 – 6/7/2019 Poland
CW 24 6/11 – 6/14/2019 Postcode area 5 Germany

Make a note of the upcoming S14 Solutions Day on September 25th, 2019. For more than 10 years the AV industry has been meeting here in Uhingen for industry meetings, trade exhibitions, workshops and seminars as well as networking.

The COMM-TEC ACADEMY offers you exciting seminars, special training courses and webinars on current topics, innovations, product technologies, applications and solutions. The COMM-TEC ACADEMY program is constantly being updated and expanded. It’s worth taking a look!

Further information is available at

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Exertis AV
Siemensstr. 14
73066 Uhingen
Telefon: +49 (7161) 3000-0
Telefax: +49 (7161) 3000-400

Paulina Waibel
E-Mail: Paulina.Waibel@COMM-TEC.DE
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