FSK – Specialist Day REACH meets Recycling

The Specialist Association Foamed Plastics and Polyurethanes e.V. (FSK) is announcing an FSK Specialist Day titled REACH meets Recycling. The Specialist Association is organizing this event together with its Italian members C.O.I.M. and Olmo Guiseppe on 4 and 5 July, in the region of Milan, Italy.

The FSK REACH meets Recycling Day is being organized by the Specialist Association Foamed Plastics and Polyurethanes e.V. (FSK) and its Italian member companies C.O.I.M. S.p.A. and Olmo Guiseppe S.p.A. both based in the Milan region. The event will take place on 5 July, 2019 in Italy. In addition to interesting lectures by Dr. Uwe Blumenstein, BASF SE, and Gianflavio Lunardon, AIPEF/Federazione Gomma Plastica, the event will also focus on the two organizing FSK members.  “We are very pleased to have C.O.I.M. and Olmo Guiseppe, two committed Italian member companies at our side hosting the FSK REACH meets Recycling Day at their premises near Milan. This again expresses the association’s increasingly international orientation", says Klaus Junginger, FSK Managing Director. The lectures will be exclusively in English. One day before the event, July 4, 2019, interested parties will meet for a factory tour at the flexible polyurethane foam manufacturer Olmo Guiseppe in Bergamo. This is followed by the evening "Get Together" on site. The Specialist Day itself starts on 5 July at the association member C.O.I.M., specialist for polyaddition polyurethanes, in Cremona. Here the participants have the opportunity to find out more through lectures held by BASF SE and AIPEF. The FSK Specialist Day "REACH meets Recycling" will end with a tour of the production facilities at C.O.I.M. As with all association events, there will be sufficient time for networking and exchanging experiences on both days.

Registration for the FSK-REACH-Event 2019 is now possible, please use the FSK online registration tool: www.fsk-vsv.de/termine-veranstaltungen. The participation fee for FSK members is 265 Euro. Non-members will be charged 435 Euro.

Über den Fachverband Schaumkunststoffe und Polyurethane e.V.

Erfolgreiche Branchen brauchen starke Fachorganisationen als Plattform für Austausch und Kontakte sowie zur Interessenvertretung. Der Fachverband Schaumkunststoffe und Polyurethane e.V. (FSK) ist ein Verband der kunststoffverarbeitenden Industrie, der ein Gesamtvolumen der Industrie rund um Polyurethane und Schaumkunststoffe von rund 9 Mrd. Euro repräsentiert. Er gehört zu den wichtigsten Fachverbänden seiner Branche in Europa und ist nach seiner 50-jährigen Tradition der größte nationale Verband.

Zu den Mitgliedern des FSK aus über 10 Ländern gehören Rohstoffunternehmen, Maschinenhersteller, Systemhäuser/Formulierer und vor allem verarbeitende Unternehmen aus den Werkstoffbereichen Polyurethan, Polypropylen, Polyethylen, Kautschukschäume, Melaminharzschaum, PVC-Schaum usw.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Fachverband Schaumkunststoffe und Polyurethane e.V.
Stammheimer Str. 35
70435 Stuttgart
Telefon: +49 (711) 9937510

Josephine Schüler
Telefon: +49 (711) 993-7510
E-Mail: j.schueler@fsk-vsv.de
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