Don’t loose what you love! – KEYCO introducing the LoRa® GPS Tracker

From this moment on users can locate any objects that they see fit with a KEYCO LoRa® GPS Tracker via an App called “KEYCO Plus”. In addition, it allows the user to both observe position data over time or use this information as a trigger for different notification functions.

Just as the product name implies, the KEYCO LoRa GPS Tracker does not transmit on the usual GSM network but instead uses LoRa network technology. The KPN LoRa network is covering the entire Netherlands. Though it is used to increase the efficiency of IoT devices. Furthermore, the advantages are obvious: the user benefits from a smaller product size and smaller weight which comes with a battery life that is up to six times longer than an identical standard 3G GPS tracker.

Routes taken by animals or fixed places of objects facilitate the definition of areas which will trigger a notification when entered or left. In addition, a KEYCO LoRa® GPS Tracker has a function button for sending an alert signal to the “KEYCO Plus” app connected with it. This means, for example, that people in emergency situations can trigger a call for help to friends or family members.

Finally it will be possible to purchase a KEYCO LoRa® GPS Tracker online at with a suitable network subscription included and later also in all KPN XL Stores.

The “KEYCO Plus” app can be downloaded free of charge from the Google Play Store at in the Apple App Store at . You can find further information on the product at

KEYCO is a trademark of the Korean firm SoluM, with roots in Samsung.


Über die SoluM EUROPE GMBH

KEYCO is a brand name of SoluM ‘s IOT series which implies the meaning of Key Companion, Key Connection, Key Communication

KEYCO is constantly working with users as a precious friend who continues to use on demand and necessary connections using products that are the most important communication tools. SoluM Brand’s philosophical willingness is to provide value for a new and innovative user experience.

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Telefon: +49 (6196) 780-740
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