New: 5 Dedicated Workshops at the 3rd European Chemistry Partnering

  • ECP & Partners focus on special, selected topics for the first time
  • Workshops encourage interdisciplinary discussion
  • Participants from over 30 nations

The European Chemistry Partnering is a chemistry community for all stakeholders involved in the sustainable development of our prosperity and thus the transition to green chemistry and the bio-economy. Following pilot workshops in 2018, the 3rd European Chemistry Partnering on 26 February 2019 will, for the first time, focus on topics that have been identified by five of its partners and sponsors. The Workshops are open to all participants of the ECP – separate pre-registration is not necessary.

At the heart of the European Chemistry Partnering are the presentations, the so-called “Pitches” – and meetings, which can be pre-arranged by participants – called “Partnerings” or one-on-one meetings. With the Workshops a completely new format will be initiated. The Workshops are intended to invite participants to network and discuss content, to exchange information and experience, and to promote topics related to industry, politics and society in general. Thus, this year for the first time, the topics of strategic financing, digitization in chemistry, the consolidation of international networks under the aspect of sustainable chemistry, the use of chemistry accelerators to expedite innovation and the megatrend of additive production are on the agenda.

Holger Bengs, initiator of the European Chemistry Partnering, explains the new concept: "The Workshops are a first step in the further development of the ECP into a Think Tank for topics related to chemistry and chemical value creation. I am extremely pleased that we are now able to offer our Partners and Sponsors an attractive new platform for the sharing of information. “Chemistry makes the World go around” is my guiding principle. But chemistry can and must define itself again and again – in order to improve and reinvent itself. And, it’s doing that right now – this year’s final panel, ´New plastics economy´ is already proof of this. And what’s more – it’s taking place with the participation of the World Economic Forum."

Character count: 2,350

Information regarding the Workshops and a discussion about digitization (in English)


by Hessen Trade and Invest (HTAI), Wiesbaden, Germany

The additive manufacturing process is expected to play a crucial role in the context of the fourth industrial revolution. The generative nature of these technologies completely revises the previous understanding

of conventional material-cutting techniques such as milling, drilling or turning. Here, it is not just a case of saving resources and avoiding production waste; it is possible to produce product parts with the kind of complex geometries which would not be possible at all if conventional methods such as casting were used.


by Vereinigung für Chemie und Wirtschaft (VCW), Association for chemistry and economics of the German Chemical Society (GDCh), Frankfurt, Germany

Digitalization is creating many new opportunities for industry. They go far beyond better process control and equipment management. One key consequence: Data can be monetized. The chemical industry only knows how to monetize chemicals, but not the data associated with them. If they do not learn how to ‘sell’ their data, somebody else will do it for them – and they will not like it. Think of Airbnb which does not own any hotels

but makes a lot of money in the hospitality sector. This workshop presents and discusses some approaches regarding how to identify and manage opportunities and challenges related to this business revolution. It is based on first learnings in the chemical industry and experiences in other industries. Impact of the necessary changes will be different for business models and employees – so they must be managed differently but in parallel.



by ISC3 – International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre, Bonn, Germany

The International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3) has recently launched the Global Start-up service, a programme for Sustainable Chemistry change-makers that offers to help bridge existing support gaps. Tailored support is provided along the innovation chain, starting with ideators having not yet founded a company via Start-ups at early development stages, to grown-ups expanding their business. After an introduction to the global Start-up service, the workshop will feature an interactive session dedicated to the actual support needs of Start-ups.


by FCF Fox Corporate Finance GmbH, Munich, Germany

FCF’s workshop provides an in-depth insight into the various financing opportunities, from early stage venture financing to bank debt financing, of a Chemical/ Life-Science company throughout its lifespan.

Financing trends, transactions and investors in Venture Capital, Growth Capital, Private Equity and IPOs across different markets (Germany, Europe and USA) will be exclusively introduced and invite participants to an extensive discussion.


by Go Silicon Valley – Initiative für Innovation und Digitalisierung e.V., Berlin, Germany

How to innovate? How to collaborate with Start-ups? How to enable employees to think out of the box? How to stay on-the-ball in a changing environment? How to change company culture? Accelerators, Innovation Labs and Company Builders are probably all tools to foster all the needs defined to gain a competitive advantage.

But how can you keep up with all these buzzwords, disruption, agility and Silicon Valley? This workshop will clear up some of the fog and describe some possible paths that can make your company a great place to work at, and to cooperate with.

Hubert Moik, Entrepreneur, business angel and wanderer between the good old world of Europe and the

brave new world called Silicon Valley will introduce you to potential solutions for your company’s progress.


by ARS Computer und Consulting GmbH, Munich, Germany

So far no Tesla look-alike is disrupting our core business, but digitalization is having a massive impact on our future. We will discuss Blockchain, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, with representatives from IBM and ARS. The panel will be moderated by Dr. Thorsten Gressling the initiator of Digital Chemistry e.V. Berlin.


97 percent of all products contain at least one chemical process step: renewable raw materials, enzymes, industrial biotechnology, new processes, products from residual materials, digitization, etc. are changing the processes in chemical value creation: starting with purchasing logistics on to production and finally marketing and sales. Interdisciplinary exchange is gaining in importance. With the ECP, an international chemistry community is growing that wants to derive more innovation from what already exists.                                

European Chemistry Partnering: A brief overview

The European Chemistry Partnering is an event format in which the focus is on discussion about innovation along the chemical value chain. It is aimed at decision makers, innovation managers and investors in the chemical industry and its user industries, as well as industry-focused stakeholders and qualified service providers and consultants. The ECP consists of the elements: Keynote Speech, Partnering, Pitches, Exhibition and Final Panel. Companies can describe their innovations in short presentations (Pitches) and arrange appointments via a software tool in advance (Partnering). The European Chemistry Partnering was conceived and initiated by Dr. Holger Bengs, Managing Director of BCNP Consultants GmbH. The first event took place on 16th February 2017 in Frankfurt am Main. From 2018 onwards the ECP will occur twice a year. In February the venue is Frankfurt. In late summer, the ECP Summer Summit takes place in changing locations.

Further information:

Über die BCNP Consultants GmbH

BCNP Consultants is a Germany-based Consultancy that specializes in the areas of Biotech, Chemistry, Nanotechnology and Pharmaceuticals (BCNP). BCNP’s core competences include scientific and technical expertise, strong networks and industry knowledge. The company provides Strategy, Communication and Sales consulting services via its divisions BCNP strategy, BCNP communications and BCNP connect. Specialist areas are Market and Technology analysis as well as Innovation scouting. Since 2015 BCNP has published the annual Compass to Europe’s Innovative Chemical Companies (, to encourage entrepreneurship in the chemical industry. In 2017 the marketplace "European Chemistry Partnering" was initiated to bring together, and engender dialog among, creative minds and decision makers on an international stage.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

BCNP Consultants GmbH
Varrentrappstraße 40-42
60486 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 (69) 153225640
Telefax: +49 (69) 619942-49

Dr. Holger Bengs
Telefon: +49 (69) 153225678
Fax: +49 (69) 153225647
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