New ADT 1100 time recording terminal with master reader function and SAP interface

The latest flagship in primion’s product portfolio is the Advanced Data Terminal 1100 (ADT 1100). The modern time recording terminal impresses with its elegant and simple design with a high-quality aluminium frame and has been optically integrated into the current primion design line. The terminal enhances the style of entrance areas and architecturally appealing environments in particular. It convinces through functionality and user friendliness.

All devices in the current primion design line are designed according to the latest ergonomic and user-friendliness findings and can be optimally integrated into all environments. The ADT series also includes the ADT 1200 time recording terminal, which has already been successfully launched on the market, and the new access control reader in the same design.

The highlight is the large 7-inch display. With its capacitive touch surface, the ADT 1100 is predestined for simple and intuitive operation. The easy-to-clean real glass front is cleanly enclosed in the compact design. A high-quality aluminium frame limits and protects the time recording terminal. The glass front can be swivelled and adjusted individually. This avoids reflections caused by unfavourable light irradiation and increases operator ergonomics. The modular concept of the ADT terminals enables rapid service and maintenance with little effort.

In the field of reading technology, the latest RFID technologies such as LEGIC advant® and MIFARE® DESFire® EV1 are supported. As an additional feature, the ADT 1100 can take over a pkt master reader function: Access rights for pkt offline components, such as electronic door handles or cylinders, are simply written to the transponder (chip, ID card) when booking on the ADT 1100.

The network integration of the ADT data terminals takes place as standard via the integrated Gigabit Ethernet module. This makes the ADT 1110 ideal for new and existing installations where existing equipment needs to be replaced. Depending on the situation on site, the Advanced Data Terminals can be supplied with power either via a low voltage (e.g. 12 V DC) provided by the customer, via an integrated power supply unit (100 – 240 V AC) or simply and conveniently via Power over Ethernet (PoE+). An optional rechargeable battery pack ensures exact data acquisition in the event of a power failure for several hours.

Working time recording and account enquiries (overtime, absenteeism, holidays, etc.) can be carried out easily and intuitively with the ADT 1100. Defined workflows, such as leave requests, can also be started via the ADT. This simplifies personnel management considerably. The booking data can be transferred directly to SAP via an integrated interface.

The user interface of the ADT 1100 can be individually adapted to customer wishes and needs. The primion host software prime WebSystems can be used, for example, to adjust the sequence of booking types. Thanks to meaningful symbols for the different booking types, every user finds his way around immediately. This makes the ADT 1100 the ideal device for modern and effective time recording in companies.

Features and Benefits


  • Fast and accurate data acquisition
  • Simple operation due to modern and user-friendly design
  • Pleasant and efficient handling during assembly and service due to
    service-oriented design

Cost and efficiency

  • Optimum price-performance ratio
  • High user acceptance
  • Easy exchange in existing facilities through emulation of previous primion terminals


  • Development and production in Germany – Quality made in Germany


  • Support of common RFID standards LEGIC advant® and MIFARE® DESFire® EV1
  • Web services for communication between ADT 1100 and host system (e.g. prime WebSystems)
  • Optional PoE+ saves separate power supply

Technical data

Power supply:

  • 10 – 28 V DC
  • PoE+ IEEE 802.3at
  • 230 V AC internal power supply unit

Housing Dimensions (W x H x D)

  • 165 x 240 x 45 mm


  • Upper part glass front with integrated display and capacitive touch, black
  • Lower part impact-resistant ABS plastic, black and side profiles made of aluminium

degree of protection

  • IP 40

Ambient temperature (during operation)

  • 0 °C to +45 °C

Relative humidity (non-condensing)

  • 85 % of

Reading Technologies RFID

  • LEGIC advant®
  • MIFARE® DESFire® EV1

Display / Keyboard

  • 7" LCD TFT display (two parts: display and capacitive touch)

Interface Host

            – Ethernet 1,000 Mbit / HTTP / HTTPS Communication

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

primion Technology GmbH
Steinbeisstraße 2 – 5
72510 Stetten
Telefon: +49 7573 952-0
Telefax: +49 7573 92034

Susanne Christmann
Head of Group Marketing
Telefon: +49 (7573) 952-546
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