The use of Additive Manufacturing of PEEK in Osteosynthesis

The high-performance polymer PEEK (Polyetheretherketon) is a popular material with versatile properties and applications. Often, injuries or serious illnesses make it necessary to use implants to recover from traumas or malformations. In the following we consider materials for in vivo implants, their properties and their scopes.

In addition to PEEK, titanium and stainless steel are used as materials for implant production. Compared to stainless steel, titanium has better corrosion resistance, but its mechanical properties are not optimal. Stainless steel is cost-efficient, but has an increased ignition potential. X-rays scatter the radiation near the metallic materials, which makes it considerably more difficult to dose and focus the radiation in the case of tumour therapy. In everyday life the unintentionally good thermal conductivity of metals can cause the implants to heat up or cool down considerably. In the case of a cranial application negative consequences can occur.

PEEK offers optimum properties in many aspects. A PEEK implant is very similar to the human bone in mechanical stiffness and elasticity and can therefore follow the internal movements of the bone. Since this material is radiolucent, it is suitable for radiological diagnostics and therapeutic radiation technology. Thanks to its insulating properties, the material is also less susceptible to temperature effects.

The advantages of additive manufactured PEEK-implants

In the case of a fracture the prerequisites for rapid and stress-free regeneration is a stable and close contact of the bone fragments. If the fracture gap is larger than 0.5mm, conservative treatment is generally no option. In such a situation, implants are used to fix the bone fragments. Implants can be optimally customised to the patient’s anatomy with the aid of Material Extrusion (FFF) 3D printing technology. The dead space between bone and implant can be almost eliminated and a stable and close contact can be established. In addition to improved bone growth, operations are simplified, the risk of infection is reduced and aesthetics are guaranteed by complementary implants. Stress, cost and time savings for patient, surgeon and hospital are the results.

In addition, PEEK has the property of osseointegration. Osseointegration is the term used when a direct contact between implant and bone can be found through the formation of new bone tissue. Already few weeks after surgery it can be observed that the bone cells grow directly to the PEEK implant, embrace and integrate it. This type of bone growth can lead to permanent bone anchorage. As a result, healing of the bone is moderately accelerated and the risk of complications is reduced in long-term use.

PEEK implants can be manufactured cost-effectively with the aid of Additive Manufacturing. This results from short lead times and extensive design freedom, which makes it possible to manufacture the implant without major material loss or previous tool making. The Apium M-Series combines the advantages of Additive Manufacturing and the properties of the high-performance polymer PEEK. The use of this technology can save lives in time-critical surgeries.

Über die Apium Additive Technologies GmbH

Wir erforschen, entwickeln und produzieren Filamente aus Hochleistungspolymeren für die Fused Filament Fabrication 3D-Druck Technologie sowie die entsprechenden 3D-Drucker zur Verarbeitung dieser. Nach intensiver Forschungsarbeit sind wir das erste Unternehmen weltweit gewesen, welches PEEK (Polyetheretherketon) für die FFF 3D-Druck Technologie druckbar gemacht hat. Als Pioniere auf diesem Gebiet stellen wir die beste und zuverlässigste Druckqualität auf dem Markt sicher. Mit unserer Expertise und Erfahrung in funktionellen Anwendungen, zusammen mit unserer Forschungsarbeit, bieten wir ein einzigartiges Kompetenzzentrum für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen aus Bereichen der Industrie welche Hochleistungspolymere für die anspruchsvollsten Umgebungen und Anwendungen benutzen.

Mit unseren starken Kernkompetenzen streben wir danach der größte Technologie Supplier von Filamenten aus Hochleistungspolymeren sowie FFF basierten 3D-Druckern im Europäischen Markt zu werden. Unser Ziel ist es, industrielle Standards in Bezug auf Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit von FFF 3D gedruckten Hochleistungspolymeren zu setzen. Als Kompetenzzentrum ist unser Anspruch präsent auf dem Markt zu sein und langfristig die Marktführer Rolle zu übernehmen. Dank unseres Know-Hows und unserer Expertise im Bereich des 3D-Drucks stellen wir für unseren Kunden die höchste Qualität und den besten Service sicher.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Apium Additive Technologies GmbH
Siemensallee 84
76187 Karlsruhe
Telefon: +49 (721) 13 20 95 0
Telefax: +49 (721) 13 20 95 77

Pinar Karakas
Head of Marketing and Quality Management
Telefon: +49 (721) 6803087-0
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