Excellence United: Welcome to the Cube…

Excellence United is a strategic cooperation between five leading, family-owned German-based manufacturers of special machines and equipment. Under the umbrella of the alliance, Bausch+Ströbel, Fette Compacting, Glatt, Harro Höfliger and Uhlmann bundle their expertise for the entire value chain in medical products and pharmaceutical production.

As a long-term partner of the media staging of trade fairs for Harro Höfliger and Uhlmann, KECK was commissioned to develop a concept for the first joint presentation of Excellence United at the Achema in Frankfurt 2018. The KECK team developed a corporate architecture for the business alliance by installing a uniform, hospital-white floor that incorporated floor graphics, an LED lighting system as well as a brand banner to reflect a comprehensive communication strategy.

However, far more important was the development of the cube – a concept combining the individual components of the companies in a building that had been designed to resemble a smart factory. A crystal was selected as a symbol to reflect the Group’s excellence. This was epitomized through the multifaceted, semi-transparent surface of the cube, an optical highlight due to its pure type and size in the trade fair hall. In a trade fair trailer produced just for the event, the visitors were given a glimpse of what to expect in their invitation. 

With its claim “Discover Digital Excellence”, Excellence United set precisely the correct tone since the Achema – with its focus on the future of the processing industry – has placed a particular focus on digital solutions. Waiting periods for visiting the cube were as long as 1.5 hours before guests were able to experience the innovations and ideas. Furthermore, the visitors delved deeply into the respective, adjoining brand and technology environments of the five companies.

Über die KECK GmbH

KECK. Brand staging worldwide.

Over 30 years successfully on the market, 160 employees and passion for what we do – we are KECK. Our references are from just as wide a range of industries as our solutions. After all, ‘run of the mill’ is an alien concept to us. We realise projects always in an extraordinary and creative manner, perfectly attuned to our customers from the most varying of sectors.

In realising everything from extravagant trade fair stands and showrooms through to elaborate light and communication concepts, we can implement all you require to stage your brand successfully. Our wheelhouse includes the entire spectrum of services – strategy, consultation, design, construction and assembly. The most important step in every project is to understand the brand. We really get to its core and present it in a standardised and unique way. We not only stage brands, but also make them more successful.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Schelmenwasenstrasse 16-20
70567 Stuttgart
Telefon: +49 (711) 902140

Petra Schmidt
Telefon: +49 (7033) 3000-142
Fax: +49 (7033) 3000-9050
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