Build Your Own Mico Pro Online

Every Mico Pro station is unique. The intelligent current monitoring system from Murrelektronik can be fully customized to optimally meet the needs of the application. The new online configurator makes this process easy.

Mico Pro guarantees reliable power supply. This freely configurable system monitors load and control currents consistently, and identifies critical moments just in time. It indicates maximum load and reliably switches off defective channels to prevent complete plant or machine failures and ensure maximum availability. This functionality is based on its patented tripping characteristics, which follow the principle: “as late as it’s safe, but as safe as possible.”

Mico Pro has a modular design: each station is composed of one (or more) power modules and thin output modules allow configurations that offer the best cost-benefit ratio for the application along with optimal space utilization.

Planning the optimal station online

The Mico Pro online configurator makes it easy for planners to assemble the system. They can build their custom Mico Pro online with just a few clicks. Power and output modules can be added to the configuration and positioned at any location. Planners immediately receive an overview of what their custom Mico Pro unit will look like. The space required in the control cabinet, as well as the total current value required to select an optimal power supply unit, are continuously calculated and displayed. In other words, the configuration is subjected to a continuous feasibility check.

Put it into your shopping cart in a single click

When you’ve completed the configuration, all parameters are documented and can be downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet or PDF document. The configuration can also be sent to the shopping cart of the Murrelektronik online shop with a single click. Of course, the configuration can also be saved to be uploaded again and modified for future projects.

Have a look on the Online Configurator:

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Murrelektronik GmbH
Grabenstraße 29
71570 Oppenweiler
Telefon: +49 (7191) 47-0
Telefax: +49 (7191) 47-491000

MacKenzie Regorsek
Corporate Marketing
Telefon: +49 (7191) 47-4318
Fax: +49 (151) 438544-70
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