Stand reservation for EuroBLECH 2018 has begun

EuroBLECH 2018, the 25th International Sheet Metal Working Technology Exhibition, will take place from 23 – 26 October 2018 at the Hanover Exhibition Grounds in Germany. One year ahead of the world’s leading sheet metal working technology exhibition, which is once again occupying eight halls in Hanover, the stand reservation at the organisers Mack Brooks Exhibitions has already begun. The last event in 2016 closed with very positive results: with 1,505 exhibitors from 41 countries exhibiting on a net exhibition space of 87,800 square metres and 60,636 visitors from 102 countries.

For the next event, besides major topics such as lightweight construction, hybrid production processes and additive manufacturing, the main focus will be on networked manufacturing. Increasing efficiency, improvement in performance of machines and systems, networking of components and predictive maintenance to reduce downtimes – these are the key points of Industry 4.0. To implement this trend in production reality it is vital to introduce high-quality sophisticated systems as well as innovative software and all-in-one systems. In addition, the Factory of the Future is based upon increased data security as well as company-wide cooperation to develop new solutions.

“The first applicable systems of Industry 4.0 have already been presented at EuroBLECH 2016. In the meantime, the development continues rapidly. Now it will be exciting to see how this trend further evolves and will be established in the production industry – from small and medium-sized companies to large corporations. Hence, this offers enormous opportunities and potential to manufacturers and suppliers of machinery and solutions in the sheet metal working industry”, says Nicola Hamann, Managing Director of the organisers of EuroBLECH, Mack Brooks Exhibitions.

“We are therefore very pleased to offer our exhibitors once again a high-quality international platform for the presentation of their latest machines, systems and solutions. At EuroBLECH 2018, they will be able to present these to a specialised trade audience who are ready to invest in the latest technology. EuroBLECH 2018 will take place for the 25th time in its history, and as the world’s leading sheet metal working technology exhibition, will once again be the showcase for technological development and the economic trend barometer. It will be building the platform to support the sheet metal working industry in its long-term development”, continues Nicola Hamann.

EuroBLECH 2018 is once again occupying halls 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 27 at the Hanover Exhibition Grounds in Germany. From conventional machines and systems to latest technologies, the EuroBLECH exhibition profile is clearly structured and covers the entire sheet metal working technology chain: sheet metal, semi-finished and finished products, handling, separation, forming, flexible sheet metal working, joining, welding, tube/section processing, surface treatment, processing of hybrid structures, tools, machine elements, quality control, CAD/CAM/CIM systems, factory equipment and research & development. For interested companies to be placed in their respective technology sector, the organisers suggest to reserve their stand space as soon as possible.

For companies interested in exhibiting at EuroBLECH 2018 an exhibitor brochure is available to order in three languages. The brochure contains information regarding the exhibition, available stand options as well as further details regarding the show. The newly designed show website offers detailed information about the international event, such as an exhibition profile, facts and figures about the show, details for stand bookings and an online reservation form, an interactive floor plan as well as video footage and photos of the previous event. With its modern responsive design the new show website is user-friendly for desktop as well as mobile use.


Issued by:
Melanie Kaufmann, PR & Marketing Manager
EuroBLECH Press Office, Mack Brooks Exhibitions Ltd
Romeland House, Romeland Hill, St Albans, Herts AL3 4ET, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1727 814400, Fax: +44 (0)1727 814501

Über Mack Brooks Exhibitions

Mack Brooks Exhibitions ist weltweiter Veranstalter von internationalen Fachmessen in spezialisierten Industriebereichen. Das inhabergeführte Privatunternehmen hat seinen Sitz in St Albans, England.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Mack Brooks Exhibitions
Romeland House / Romeland Hill
AL3 4ET St Albans
Telefon: +44 (1727) 814400
Telefax: +44 (1727) 814401

Melanie Kaufmann
PR & Marketing Manager
Telefon: +44 (1727) 814400
Fax: +44 (1727) 814501
Susanne Neuner
PR & Marketing Director
Telefon: +44 (1727) 814400
Fax: +44 (1727) 814501
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