SIRION Biotech and Vibalogics partner to offer complete Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV) services

SIRION Biotech GmbH and Vibalogics GmbH, have signed a strategic partnership agreement designed to meet demand from gene therapy companies for a start-to-finish Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV) service.
The new service offering, which will be available from the beginning of 2018, will allow the two companies to cater to virtually all customer needs for viral vector services, from initial vector engineering and development to GMP production.
As part of the collaboration, SIRION Biotech will provide specialist AAV technology, while Vibalogics will act as its production partner for customers ready to progress to clinical trials.
Dr. Christian Thirion, CTO and founder of SIRION Biotech said: “This step will allow us to offer one of the most versatile and complete AAV services packages in the world and meet demand for a more streamlined development and supply process. We are looking forward to a partnership that will empower gene therapy companies to make sure that ingenious new treatments get to the patient without delay.”
Along with the expanded service offering, the companies will also establish new stringent quality levels for pre-clinical virus batches that will emulate Vibalogics’ GMP production methods. This strategy will ensure that pre-clinical research can be conducted with fully scalable products at ‘GMP-like’ quality, while maintaining cost and time efficiency.
Dr. Stefan Beyer, Managing Director of Vibalogics said: “We are delighted to enter into this partnership and be in a position to offer our customers a broader service than we can offer alone. We believe that this is a great opportunity for companies in the AAV field to benefit from a seamless transition from pre-clinical activities to clinical manufacturing.”
SIRION Biotech, based in Munich, is a virus engineering expert specialising in viral vector technologies. Using its team of specialists and expertise in the biotech industry, the company carries out complex development projects to customize AAV dynamics and improve vector tropisms, safety and productivity.
Vibalogics, based in Cuxhaven, Germany, offers GMP manufacturing and development services for the biopharmaceutical industry and specialises in the handling and manufacture of viruses and live bacterial products for therapeutic and prophylactic applications. The company is one of the few providers of GMP compliant fill and finish services dealing with live viruses and bacteria. In addition to GMP manufacturing, Vibalogics offers process development, assay development and release testing services along with QP release of the clinical batch to complete the chain of activities.
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